2011年1月19日 星期三

Natalie Portman 2011開春摘金球

2011年1月16日美國時間上午,那塔利波曼(Natalie Portman)獲得第68屆金球獎最佳女主角獎。這個因為黑天鵝電影而訂婚又懷孕的女星,此後大概都要把天鵝視作吉祥物才是。台灣地區預定2/25週五上映。

"Thank you to Benjamin, who is helping me continue this creation of creating more life,"Benjamin choreographed the film, and also you might remember him in the movie as the guy when they ask, 'Would you sleep with that girl?' And he's like, 'Pffsh, no.' He's the best actor. It's not true: He totally wants to sleep with me!"
她又謝謝電影導演,並且說她們已經認識了十年之久。感謝他創造出這麼豐富美麗的角色,給她很多演藝生涯上的啟發。每當拍完一個鏡頭,達倫總會說,不只為自己而演 ,讓我知道演員除了要被人喜歡之外,還要有更多的內涵。
"Darren, I met you 10 years ago, and we talked about this for the first time, and thank you for continuing to work on this movie and then to give me such a beautiful, beautiful gift with this role," she said. "Every time we finished our takes, you would say, 'Now do this one for yourself,' and that gave me such beautiful inspiration as an actor to not just be amused, that I could create on my own as well. I love you so much and you're the most wonderful and I'm so grateful to you."
在上台前,鏡頭還很壞心的帶到赫莉貝瑞(Halle Berry),娜塔莉波曼的競爭對手之一。同台競爭女演員還有妮可姬曼(Nicole Kidman) , 珍妮佛勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence) ,蜜雪兒威廉斯(Michelle Williams)。



