2001年6月19日 星期二

把影迷拋諸腦後的慾望城市2 Sex and the City 2 Leaves Fans Behind (2 of 2)


By Mary Pols Wednesday, May. 26, 2010 

Apparently, a free trip to Abu Dhabi will, sponsored by a sheik who wants Samantha to do some public relations work for him. The main attraction of this creepily opulent place seems to be the availability of servants, with chauffeured cars as plentiful as your cosmopolitans of yesteryear. In the old days, you four would have worked out your dilemmas in the back of a cab, and we would have happily joined you for the ride. But now we've grown apart. Sure, you always had extravagant shoe habits, but you also used to struggle with mortgages and small closets. You got dressed up and looked fabulous, but we saw you without your makeup too. Even if you had shallow tendencies, we still believed in your depths. Now you recoil at traveling coach. (See the best movies of the decade.)

成功光環已經完全改變這些女孩了嗎?慾望城市在以前,在美國探討挖掘性別議題,是如此的精明辛辣,但是這次卻保護般的討論文化衝擊,過分地將異國文化衝擊單純化了。(凱莉對於在阿拉伯聯合大公國的女人們戴著面紗,只是輕描淡寫的說「男人似乎不想要女人有發聲的權利」。)就在那時,慾望城市2並未替電影帶來任何令人激動的火花,取而代之的只是個荒謬可笑的現實。(在一場在沙漠中行走的片段,三名角色甚至換穿了面紗)  觀眾甚至來不及仔細看清楚服裝,就馬上又換下一套了。在那些華美到不行的飯店場景、商品中,都說明了一件事情。慾望城市2已經變得貪婪。
Has success changed you? In the past, your digs at American gender politics were astute, but your patronizing take on foreign cultures seems shockingly simplistic. ("It's like they don't want them to have a voice," Carrie says wonderingly of the women wearing veils in the United Arab Emirates.) And while none of you bring particularly scintillating emotional baggage to the dramatic arc of the film, you all bring a ridiculous amount of actual luggage. (For one trip into the sand dunes alone, there are three outfit changes.) We barely have time to register a dress before it's gone. And the copious product placements (Pringles and Suzanne Somers' hormone book Breakthrough? Seriously?) bolsters the sense that you've gotten greedy. (Comment on this story.)

觀眾並不會因此感到惱人。慾望城市2只是個時光,它提醒我們曾一起擁有過的歷史。金凱特蘿 (飾演莎曼珊) 是個常帶來驚喜最令人喜愛的角色,她演出很多害羞的片段,提醒觀眾早已忘記的信念  (她甚至使出「我的阿拉伯勞倫斯王子」這句著名的台詞) 幸運地,場景接著跳到阿拉伯傳統市場裡,凱莉的前男友亞當身上,即使觀眾們都知道這段感情已經很久前就結束了。另一個場景是米蘭達鼓勵永遠都是成功角色的夏綠蒂。酒過三巡後,夏綠蒂終於承認她擔任母親的角色十分辛苦。母親,這個話題通常不在慾望城市討論之內。「這真的非常難熬」夏綠蒂最後在米蘭達的點頭支持,以及要她放鬆的每一口雞尾酒下坦承她的內心煎熬。最後,她大聲的說出「女人身邊怎麼能沒有一個好幫手?」最後觀眾被這句台詞喚回現實。凱莉、莎曼珊、米蘭達、夏綠蒂,下次再一起歡聚吧,但別太急,我是說真的,另外拜託別再有駱駝了。
Don't Call Us, We'll Call You
We're not implying it was all agony. There are moments in Sex and the City 2 that remind us of our history together. Cattrall is an unexpected favorite, charging ahead with such admirable conviction that we stop noticing how potentially humiliating many of her scenes are. (She even pulls off the line "Lawrence of my labia.") It's nice to bump into Carrie's former flame Aidan (John Corbett) in an Arabian market, even though we know that romance was put to bed long ago. A scene in which Miranda encourages the ever endearing Charlotte, over cocktails, to confess to struggling with motherhood is a glimpse of the old, less entitled Sex and the City. "It's so hard," Charlotte finally admits as Miranda nods and urges her to take another sip. Then she wonders aloud, "How do the women without help do it?" and knocks us right back out of sync. Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte, let's catch up again sometime — but really, no rush. And please, no camels.
See the top 10 movie bromances.
See the best TV shows of the decade.

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Read more ?

The other film commments
‧The Guardian: Carrie and friends head to the Middle East in a misjudged and incredibly boring sequel

‧The Times:The four smart New Yorkers of the television series have metamorphosed into lobotomised tourists in this misjudged sequel

‧The New York Times:Operation Desert Togs

